What We Do

A community-driven and

cross sector investment

At Durham Success Summit (DSS), our mission is clear - we design and provide transformative professional development experiences that empower young Black men to earn more for themselves and their communities.

In a world that often overlooks their potential, we are here to shift mindsets and equip our Scholars with the real tools they need to succeed.

DSS is investing in a more stable economic foundation for Black boys and young men in our city at a critical period of their lives where they are forming their visions of the future and expectations of society. 

Our Core Values


We are accountable for the outcomes of the young men we serve. We honor our word, and do not take shortcuts to understanding the needs of our Scholars. Our Scholars come first - always. 


We build action-oriented partnerships with an open-source approach towards sharing best practices, dead-ends, and promising initiatives. 


We emulate the behavior we are asking from our Scholars. We are an organization that is continuously learning, growing, and pivoting when needed. We set audacious goals and exceed them.


We leverage data from our successes and failures to build evidence-based strategies that center youth voice against data points. 


Traditional approaches have not worked. We use our decades of lived and professional experience to create cutting-edge models for Black male success. 

At DSS, we take a holistic and integrated approach, aiming to empower every aspect of our Scholars' lives. We recognize that true transformation comes from addressing multiple dimensions

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